Tuesday, 16 February 2016

PDF⋙ People in Glass Houses (The Neil Marshall Mysteries) (Volume 3) by Tim Hemlin

People in Glass Houses (The Neil Marshall Mysteries) (Volume 3) by Tim Hemlin

People in Glass Houses (The Neil Marshall Mysteries) (Volume 3)

People in Glass Houses (The Neil Marshall Mysteries) (Volume 3) by Tim Hemlin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

People in glass houses don’t throw stones. They shoot to kill . . . Congressional candidate Chip Gunn figures he has the election in the palm of his hand. But when Gunn’s guard is stabbed during a high profile fund-raising event catered by chef and amateur sleuth Neil Marshall, all hell breaks loose. Things only get worse when the victim vanishes and Neil’s assistant is left holding a bloody knife. Quickly, a lethal mystery unravels . . . Publishers Weekly said: Houston’s renaissance man is back. Poet, chef, good Samaritan, and sleuth Neil Marshall must solve his most difficult murder to date when a co-worker is accused of murdering her ex-boyfriend. Meanwhile, Neil’s fellow student and Kerouac wannabe is missing, although he communicates by sending rambling poetry hinting that he is about to kill a crooked congressional candidate. Although Neil has good reason to see the candidate dead, he works with his teacher and not-so-secret love to interpret these poems, treating the reader to a verbal feast.

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