Sunday, 6 December 2015

PDF⋙ Christianity and Quantum Physics: Assessing the Fitness of the Copenhagen Interpretation for Use in Christian Theology and Apologetics by Jeremy Royal Howard

Christianity and Quantum Physics: Assessing the Fitness of the Copenhagen Interpretation for Use in Christian Theology and Apologetics by Jeremy Royal Howard

Christianity and Quantum Physics: Assessing the Fitness of the Copenhagen Interpretation for Use in Christian Theology and Apologetics

Christianity and Quantum Physics: Assessing the Fitness of the Copenhagen Interpretation for Use in Christian Theology and Apologetics by Jeremy Royal Howard PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book examines scientific and philosophical foundations of the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum physics and judges it unfit for use in worldview formulation, Christian theology, or apologetics. Chapter 1 introduces the Copenhagen Interpretation. Chapter 2 argues that core components of the Copenhagen view conflict with realism and biblical beliefs about God and world. Chapter 3 examines applications of Copenhagen to sociology, philosophy, and science. Topics include feminism, race relations, finance, business management, epistemology, logic, and cosmology. Chapter 4 discusses applications in metaphysics and theology, with emphasis on holism, free-will, and divine action. Chapter 5 shows that the Copenhagen view is unsuitable for use in Christian theology and apologetics. First, it ensconces radical indeterminism as an ontological element of quantum theory. Second, there are scientific counter- indicators to the Copenhagen view. Third, entailments of the Copenhagen view run counter to the Christian worldview. Chapter 6 suggests avenues for continuing the science-theology dialogue in light of the current state of quantum science.

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Christianity and Quantum Physics: Assessing the Fitness of the Copenhagen Interpretation for Use in Christian Theology and Apologetics by Jeremy Royal Howard EPub

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