Simplified Building Design for Wind and Earthquake Forces (Parker/Ambrose Series of Simplified Design Guides) by James Ambrose, Dimitry Vergun
Simplified Building Design for Wind and Earthquake Forces (Parker/Ambrose Series of Simplified Design Guides) by James Ambrose, Dimitry Vergun PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Contains practical, easy-to-read explanations regarding the issues and problems encountered in designing for these natural disasters. This edition includes important code updates from the 1994 Uniform Building Code as well as more detailed information on engineering computations and lateral force construction. Increased attention is paid to the relationship between building design and seismic response. Features a discussion of the latest CAD products for lateral design work. Serves as a major reference for anyone preparing for seismic and wind design test sections of State Board Examinations (for licensing purposes).From reader reviews:
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